Denver Daily & Private Tours
Denver is the capital of Colorado and one of the biggest cities in whole US. It’s an econоmic and cultural center of the region due to its favorable geographical location, right about halfway between the megalopolises of the east and west coasts the country.
It’s strategically advantageous and convenient for federal institutions, for high-tech industries foundation, development of tourism, educational, financial, and cultural programs. Denver is also called “Mile High Сity” since it’s located at about 1600-1700 meters above sea level. And it’s a “gem” of the US nature – region, that has great amount of forests and mountains right near large city.
Denver Destinations
Colorado is famous for its landscapes, so there are some places somehow connected with nature even within the city. For example, it’s Denver museum of Nature and science, which is located in the City park, so you can stroll through the halls with dinosaur skeletons, …
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